Zero Aggression Basics

Featured image for “What is the Zero Aggression Principle (ZAP)?”

What is the Zero Aggression Principle (ZAP)?

Don’t threaten or initiate force, or ask politicians to do it for you. Many people assume they know what libertarians
Featured image for “What does everyone, including you, want?”

What does everyone, including you, want?

Every person wants to avoid harm. Avoid Aggression
Featured image for “What is initiated force?”

What is initiated force?

Initiated force is what justifies defensive force. Initiated force is like throwing the first punch. But it’s more than that…
Featured image for “Is fraud initiated force?”

Is fraud initiated force?

Fraud is illegal when used with the aim to… initiated force by other means
Featured image for “What is a libertarian?”

What is a libertarian?

Libertarian social solutions start with a specific question. virtually all libertarians agree that the focus should be…
Featured image for “What is a Voluntaryist?”

What is a Voluntaryist?

Those who consistently apply the principle. The person who logically and consistently applies empathy.
Featured image for “Where do you get your rights?”

Where do you get your rights?

Empathy empowers rights. You imagine how others…
Featured image for “Is the Golden Rule inherently libertarian?”

Is the Golden Rule inherently libertarian?

The Golden Rule requires positive reciprocity, negating initiated force Make all of your actions Golden.
Featured image for “Can everyone do absolutely anything they want?”

Can everyone do absolutely anything they want?

Equal Liberty Perhaps you’re wondering, “If everyone is free, does that mean…”
Featured image for “How much should you respect individual conscience?”

How much should you respect individual conscience?

Individual conscience must be respected at all times. Thomas Jefferson observed…
Featured image for “How do we expand our liberty?”

How do we expand our liberty?

Does your joy increase when your choices get restricted? Happiness
Featured image for “Is the libertarian concept of Zero Aggression pacifist?”

Is the libertarian concept of Zero Aggression pacifist?

Zero Aggression permits defensive force. The Zero Aggression Principle does NOT equal pacifism. It does not…
Featured image for “Are there exceptions to the Zero Aggression Principle?”

Are there exceptions to the Zero Aggression Principle?

Initiated force digs a hole Why there should be a bias against initiating force.
Featured image for “Should zero aggression always be your starting point?”

Should zero aggression always be your starting point?

The Starting Point Seek ways to solve problems without aggression
Featured image for “Isn’t voluntaryism just another ideology?”

Isn’t voluntaryism just another ideology?

The world’s not a chessboard. You’re not a pawn. Voluntaryism is a critique of ideology.
Featured image for “How do libertarians view Constitutional rights?”

How do libertarians view Constitutional rights?

All human rights are pre-constitutional. The Declaration of Independence announced…
Featured image for “How do libertarians view politics?”

How do libertarians view politics?

Politics is inherently sociopathic. A sociopath feels no empathy. Now consider people’s…
Featured image for “Is a criminal action still a crime if The State does it?”

Is a criminal action still a crime if The State does it?

If an action would be a crime for an individual to commit, it’s also a crime when The State does
Featured image for “Are you a passive consenter to State criminality?”

Are you a passive consenter to State criminality?

Politicians get ALL of their power from Consenters As the Declaration of Independence observed…
Featured image for “Do you make excuses for State criminality?”

Do you make excuses for State criminality?

Stockholm Syndrome describes how many people relate to The State. Captives who sympathize…
Featured image for “Is Democracy benign and moral?”

Is Democracy benign and moral?

Democracy has no magic power to turn wrong into right How many votes does it take to make murder…
Featured image for “Is democracy inherently perverted?”

Is democracy inherently perverted?

Democracy perverts self-rule An absolutist axiom of democracy
Featured image for “What is the connection between morality and law?”

What is the connection between morality and law?

The Nuremberg Principle applies to crimes large and small The Nuremberg Trials…
Featured image for “What is a law?”

What is a law?

Legislation ≠ law Most legislation is not actually lawful
Featured image for “What do you and everyone else want?”

What do you and everyone else want?

Everyone seeks to increase their happiness. That’s why people… Don’t want their stuff stolen or vandalized. Don’t want to be
Featured image for “What is the Zero Aggression Principle (ZAP)?”

What is the Zero Aggression Principle (ZAP)?

Don’t threaten or initiate force, or ask politicians to do it for you. Many people assume they know what libertarians
Featured image for “What does everyone, including you, want?”

What does everyone, including you, want?

Every person wants to avoid harm. Avoid Aggression
Featured image for “What is initiated force?”

What is initiated force?

Initiated force is what justifies defensive force. Initiated force is like throwing the first punch. But it’s more than that…
Featured image for “Is fraud initiated force?”

Is fraud initiated force?

Fraud is illegal when used with the aim to… initiated force by other means
Featured image for “What is a libertarian?”

What is a libertarian?

Libertarian social solutions start with a specific question. virtually all libertarians agree that the focus should be…
Featured image for “What is a Voluntaryist?”

What is a Voluntaryist?

Those who consistently apply the principle. The person who logically and consistently applies empathy.
Featured image for “Where do you get your rights?”

Where do you get your rights?

Empathy empowers rights. You imagine how others…
Featured image for “Is the Golden Rule inherently libertarian?”

Is the Golden Rule inherently libertarian?

The Golden Rule requires positive reciprocity, negating initiated force Make all of your actions Golden.
Featured image for “Can everyone do absolutely anything they want?”

Can everyone do absolutely anything they want?

Equal Liberty Perhaps you’re wondering, “If everyone is free, does that mean…”
Featured image for “How much should you respect individual conscience?”

How much should you respect individual conscience?

Individual conscience must be respected at all times. Thomas Jefferson observed…
Featured image for “How do we expand our liberty?”

How do we expand our liberty?

Does your joy increase when your choices get restricted? Happiness
Featured image for “Is the libertarian concept of Zero Aggression pacifist?”

Is the libertarian concept of Zero Aggression pacifist?

Zero Aggression permits defensive force. The Zero Aggression Principle does NOT equal pacifism. It does not…
Featured image for “Are there exceptions to the Zero Aggression Principle?”

Are there exceptions to the Zero Aggression Principle?

Initiated force digs a hole Why there should be a bias against initiating force.
Featured image for “Should zero aggression always be your starting point?”

Should zero aggression always be your starting point?

The Starting Point Seek ways to solve problems without aggression
Featured image for “Isn’t voluntaryism just another ideology?”

Isn’t voluntaryism just another ideology?

The world’s not a chessboard. You’re not a pawn. Voluntaryism is a critique of ideology.
Featured image for “How do libertarians view Constitutional rights?”

How do libertarians view Constitutional rights?

All human rights are pre-constitutional. The Declaration of Independence announced…
Featured image for “How do libertarians view politics?”

How do libertarians view politics?

Politics is inherently sociopathic. A sociopath feels no empathy. Now consider people’s…
Featured image for “Is a criminal action still a crime if The State does it?”

Is a criminal action still a crime if The State does it?

If an action would be a crime for an individual to commit, it’s also a crime when The State does
Featured image for “Are you a passive consenter to State criminality?”

Are you a passive consenter to State criminality?

Politicians get ALL of their power from Consenters As the Declaration of Independence observed…
Featured image for “Do you make excuses for State criminality?”

Do you make excuses for State criminality?

Stockholm Syndrome describes how many people relate to The State. Captives who sympathize…
Featured image for “Is Democracy benign and moral?”

Is Democracy benign and moral?

Democracy has no magic power to turn wrong into right How many votes does it take to make murder…
Featured image for “Is democracy inherently perverted?”

Is democracy inherently perverted?

Democracy perverts self-rule An absolutist axiom of democracy
Featured image for “What is the connection between morality and law?”

What is the connection between morality and law?

The Nuremberg Principle applies to crimes large and small The Nuremberg Trials…
Featured image for “What is a law?”

What is a law?

Legislation ≠ law Most legislation is not actually lawful
Featured image for “What do you and everyone else want?”

What do you and everyone else want?

Everyone seeks to increase their happiness. That’s why people… Don’t want their stuff stolen or vandalized. Don’t want to be

Comments 3

  1. I am constantly thinking about the system we are currently enduring and I am reminded of Bastiat in “The Law”
    “Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter — by peaceful or revolutionary means — into the making of laws. According to their degree of enlightenment, these plundered classes may propose one of two entirely different purposes when they attempt to attain political power: Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it.
    Woe to the nation when this latter purpose prevails among the mass victims of lawful plunder when they, in turn, seize the power to make laws! Until that happens, the few practice lawful plunder upon the many, a common practice where the right to participate in the making of law is limited to a few persons. But then, participation in the making of law becomes universal. And then, men seek to balance their conflicting interests by universal plunder. Instead of rooting out the injustices found in society, they make these injustices general. As soon as the plundered classes gain political power, they establish a system of reprisals against other classes. They do not abolish legal plunder. (This objective would demand more enlightenment than they possess.) Instead, they emulate their evil predecessors by participating in this legal plunder, even though it is against their own interests.
    It is as if it were necessary, before a reign of justice appears, for everyone to suffer a cruel retribution — some for their evilness, and some for their lack of understanding.”
    This appears to be the case we are currently experiencing in the United States. Instead of trying to end the “plunder” the populace in general is voting to participate out of anger. The ultimate goal of all individuals should be to end interference in their affairs by government and in the words of C.S. Lewis “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busy-bodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

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