Don’t impede the happiness of others

People seek to increase their happiness. Happiness is a primary human goal.

Different people find pleasure in different things. Think about what makes you happy. Then ask yourself…

  • Are you happier when your conscience is violated?
  • Does your joy increase when your choices get restricted or removed?

Well, what is true for you is also true for other people…

  • My happiness is important in the same way yours is.
  • Our neighbor’s happiness is just as valuable to him or her.

Politics is an anti-empathetic assault on individual happiness.

Using threats of violence to make others obey your preferences does not expand the sum of human happiness. It contracts it. Please realize…

If you can use The State to impose your preferences on others, others can do the same to you, and thereby damage your happiness.

If we want to expand our liberty, increase our bliss, our only choice is to be empathetic. Respect that others have their own unique path to joy. Obey the Zero Aggression Principle — don’t initiate force against others or ask politicians to do it for you.

By Jim Babka & Perry Willis

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