Do you analyze competing concepts fairly?
Or do you apply a double-standard to ideas? The Golden Rule of Ideas
Should you avoid the war of competing studies?
Why you should avoid the war of competing studies War of competing studies
Are you being manipulated by a statist machine?
Agenda Setting Theory The mass media chooses what you follow and discuss
Why do my friends snap-back to statist ideas when I’m not there?
Rubber Band Effect One conversation won’t undo the ‘pull’ of statism
Why do people act as they do politically?
Aesthetic theory of partisan attraction Aesthetics is the study of beauty. For our purposes…
What thing do we most need to create a libertarian society?
The strategic key to libertarian success Every other strategy benefits from more libertarians
Why do statist ideas defeat libertarian ideas in the political arena?
What we can we do to make libertarian ideas win? Visibility Parity & Operation Everywhere
What strategic activity should libertarians prioritize?
Discovery *before* persuasion What reaping low hanging fruit makes possible
Can you induce people to reject statism?
Mental Depth Charge Formula: Identifying contradictions, then patience
When should statists oppose greater government powers?
The ‘shoe on the other foot’ rule Have empathy for your future self
Why should you tackle the five hardest issues first?
Use the Pillar Strategy to collapse the mental structure of statism Exceptions make Zero Aggression seem unrealistic