- If you initiate force or fraud against others you’re committing a crime
- It’s equally a crime if The State does it
- Reject double-standards. Call all initiated-force by the same name: crime.
For example, The State routinely commits the crimes of….
- Assault and kidnapping, when it arrests people who have initiated no force or fraud
- Murder, if such an arrest leads to death
- Counterfeiting and theft, when it inflates the currency
But these are just a few examples. The full list of The State’s crimes would be nearly endless. This is because, sadly…
The State rarely uses force properly, in a defensive way only. Nearly everything it does involves initiation, and is therefore criminal. These crimes create victims — real human beings who suffer real harm. Always ask yourself this question…
Does a proposed political policy require a threat of aggressive force to make innocent people act against their own conscience or preference, or does the policy merely deal with the defensive use of force, such as with criminal justice?
- If the proposed policy initiates force against innocent people, then it is aggressive, criminal, and improper. But…
- If the proposed policy only uses force when people are harming others, then it is a non-aggressive defensive use of force. That makes it a proper governmental function.
Ask yourself a few more questions…
- Would you feel justified using a gun yourself to make your neighbors, friends, or family obey the proposed policy.
- Does wrong become right just because the action in question is being committed by an Agent of The State?
- Does wrong become right just because a majority approves?
Bring it all together…
A crime is a crime, no matter who commits the action. If The State commits a criminal act, then call it a crime. Do not employ euphemisms to hide the criminality.
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By Perry Willis & Jim Babka
There are so many things the govt does today that are examples of committing a crime. What the hell has happened to people? What is wrong with their brains that makes them think the actions they are taking are lawful and fair and proper? It really saddens me to watch and read stories, so many of them, showing just how off base and improper so many public sector workers cause so much harm to others, many times those others have done nothing.
Good example is government routinely extort under the euphemism of compromise or plea bargaining.
We tacitly consent to larger crimes of State when we permit our government to spend our hard-earned money on things we would never consent to otherwise. Aid to dependent dictators is one listed at http://www.downsizeDC.org , as is the TSA’s violation of personal privacy, and the recent assault on a handicapped teen. One that is *not* separately listed is the giving of tax-payer dollars to Planned (un) Parenthood, when they not only violate the ZAP, but also are making plenty of money from selling pre-born babies’ body parts. When I complain about this one, I use the ‘Deny Consent to Government Criminality’ general complaint.(since there is not a separate campaign for it) Frankly , I think that my ability to use the ‘Deny Consent’ campaign actually gives me an advantage, in that it permits me to cover everything from the EPA destroying land owner rights to PP funding.
Easy to understand and to the point! This is very well written. I’m glad I discovered this website. 🙂
Thank you Marianne!
So taking from the land without leaving enough and as good for others to appropriate is a crime? Are landowners who disregard the golden rule criminals who initiate force against the equal liberties of others?
n. A mild, indirect, or vague term for one that is considered harsh, blunt or offensive.
A euphamism for a criminal syndicate that extorts people for money and control.