Democracy has no magic power to make wrong become right

How many votes does it take to make murder morally permissible? What about rape, assault, or theft? There is no such number, is there? Criminal acts remain criminal, even when a majority endorses them.

Might does not make right, not even the might of a majority.

We rightly rejected the divine right of kings, but now too many of us believe in a divine right of majorities and pluralities. We wrongly assume that no empathy is required for minority viewpoints, provided a vote was taken.
Political figures, seeking power, often invoke democracy as if it’s “magic.” Simply wave the wand, and “might becomes right,” no matter how much it tramples the conscience and happiness of those with dissenting opinions. This heartlessness is neither benign nor moral.

Fundamental moral principles, like the Zero Aggression Principle, cannot be voted out of existence. Even the “Great-God” Democracy must bow down before them. If you want to help cure the public’s confusion about democracy, sign-up below.

By Jim Babka & Perry Willis


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