A society based on the Zero Aggression Principle won’t be perfect. But it will be better than the statist system we have now.
There will still be crime. But crime will be slashed, because the largest criminal gang, The State, will be replaced with legitimate governments.
There will still be external threats. But these threats will shrink, because The State will no longer be in the enemy creation business.
We will still need welfare. But the need will be smaller, because The State will no longer use violence-based funding to subsidize poverty. Welfare will be consumer controlled. This will increase the bonds of community, and provide more personalized, nurturing service.
There will still be fraud. But the fraud will shrink, because we won’t have to listen to political promises anymore!
As David Bergland wrote, “Utopia is not one of the options.” But if you want a realistically better society, please join us by subscribing to our free email newsletter.
By Perry Willis & Jim Babka
HT: David Bergland
I think that the Zero Aggression Project is one of the key societal improvement actions happening right now. But, I’m not comfortable with sharing this “Mental Lever” because it calls a society operating under the Non- Aggression Principle “libertarian.” I know that Adam Kokesh is working to re-brand a libetarian as equaling a Voluntaryist, but I really don’t think we’re there yet.
I don’t know if “libertarian” can successfully be re-branded that way. I don’t want to spend energy on trying. I know it’s an unwieldy term, but Voluntaryist is a fresher alternative, and doesn’t carry the unfortunately framed baggage of anarchy = chaos.
Anyway, keep up the good work to help usher in a world that works better without an authoritarian state.
We’ll have more to say about both terms as we continue to build. But libertarian is a broader term/group than voluntaryist is. Voluntaryism is a subset of libertarianism. For example, Rand Paul is considered a libertarian by many. But he’s clearly not a voluntaryist. Obviously, voluntaryism the type we want to promote here at the Zero Aggression Project.
When the assertion that we shouldn’t use violent means to achieve our goals is considered a utopian ideal, it makes you wonder what kind of society you live in.