Violence-based funding (taxation) delivers perverse results Retweet
Many libertarians love the slogan, “Taxation is theft.” Statists respond by saying, “No it’s not.” From there the conversation often descends into a childish round of, “yes it is, no it isn’t.”
Our experience indicates it may be possible to avoid such exchanges. We’ve had better results by referring to taxation as “violence-based funding.” Ask your statist friends…
“If I declined to pay taxes for reasons of conscience, would you want to see me harmed? Would you cheer my downfall and say I had it coming? Or would you defend me and my character before your family and friends? Might you even consider becoming an activist to secure my release?”
After all, when you say taxation is theft, aren’t you trying to get someone to view taxation in a different way? And…
If you used these personal, heart-grabbing questions instead of asserting “taxation is theft,” is it possible your statist friends could come to see the taxation issue in a slightly fresh and more accurate way?
Let’s be realistic. Even if they do get greater perspective — even if there’s real progress in their thinking — they’ll probably still insist…
“We need taxes. Government couldn’t function without them.”
Can this claim be answered? We think it can be. In fact, we think it’s possible to turn the tables. You can make a strong argument that taxes are highly impractical. Our latest Mental Lever makes this case. Check it out. Then share it with others…
Is taxation impractical?
By Perry Willis & Jim Babka
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February 4, 2016