The Statist “Virtue” of InconsistencyNovember 13, 2018How many reasons do statists have for doing the wrong thing
No Border Can Keep Out a Desirable ResidentDecember 15, 2017There’s a difference between resident and citizen. Residency is none of your business.
Are elections really a good way to govern?October 19, 2016Maybe voluntary trade can teach us something about how to do governance.
Do sociopathic candidates suggest a sociopathic process?October 12, 2016Is this election telling us something important about democracy?
How to handle conflicting headlines about ObamacareAugust 12, 2016This mode of analysis will save you a lot of time.
Do your friends snap back to their previous positions?July 28, 2016Why does this happen and what can you do about it?
Are you greedy if you’re not a statist?July 26, 2016Are you being generous when you fork over your money to a mugger?
Must political reforms be corrupt or doomed to fail or both?July 20, 2016Without corruption, politicians couldn’t get much done