June 23, 2015

We’re launching a BRAND NEW campaign today, about Corporate Welfare.
- Go answer this question: How do you feel about corporate welfare?
- Read as many panels and vote as often as you want, but…
- Sign the petition for your position any time you like
One more thing (and you’re going to love this)…
- Click the link that says “Share these poll questions and petitions with your friends” (it’s near the bottom, beneath the petition form) OR
- Click on “Tell Your Friends” in the Share slider (it’s on the left side, in the PC version)
- Use this tool to share the Corporate Welfare campaign with friends, because later…
- You’ll get to see if and how they respond on the Your Results tab of the sharing tool.
But that’s NOT the ONLY benefit to you. Taking these actions will also…
- Share new ideas with new minds
- Locate, recruit, and activate people who agree with you
- Move some people who disagree in your direction (you’ll get to see the movement!)
This is how you can change the world, one mind at a time, with almost no effort.
Start here: How do you feel about corporate welfare?
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Co-creators, Zero Aggression Project