How Donald Trump’s Mugshot Became a Grace Moment

September 5, 2023
Featured image for “How Donald Trump’s Mugshot Became a Grace Moment”

Bipartisan Boom in Trump Mug Shot Merchandise Demonstrates the Healing Power of Commerce

That’s an article by Christian Britschgi of Reason about Trump’s Atlanta arrest. It offers a real grace perspective, so…

We need to salute this wonderful bit of journalism!

Haters and lovers of the former president can both express their diametrically opposed views with a Trump mugshot mug.

Bill Protzmann and I highlight the best of this wonderful article. We explain…

  • The way partisanship is failing in this instance
  • How people on each side won
  • Why freedom helps us get along and increases harmony
  • The way democracy encourages division and ugliness
  • Why we need relief valves, such as laughter and grace

Plus, we pave a path to Post-Statism.

This episode, From Mugshot to Mugs, a Donald Trump story is less than 18 minutes long. You can also listen while you work or drive on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Google Podcasts * Spotify

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ZAP The State and have a nice day,

Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project


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