“Argentine president Javier Milei… has consolidated eighteen government ministries into nine… and introduced a 350‐page package of economic reforms that would make Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek smile.” – Michael Chapman, Cato Institute
It was only episode 73 when I thought it was going to be too difficult for Javier Milei to actually downsize government spending.
Now, it’s episode 80 and we already have good news to report from Argentina! There are dramatic cuts.
On top of that, the first economic miracle has arrived, thanks to deregulation.
We break it down with all of the juicy details in an episode we’re calling “Javier Milei Early Report Card”…
Libertarians Learn Something New
And that includes me. I have been working full-time in the libertarian movement for 24 years. Javier Milei goes to Davos, he gives a speech, and it’s amazing. He destroyed Davos dilettantes. You’ve probably heard about it already.
But he also says something I’ve never heard. It’s profound, and it will forever affect how I speak. So, if you listen you will definitely hear something new.
Before we’re done, Bill Protzmann and I will have a VERY simple piece of homework for you, too. Tune in and learn how you can help.
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
Gracearchy is hosted by Zero Aggression Project’s co-founder, Jim Babka, but the views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).
I’m glad you and Perry are doing this Jim. This man is a gem. He’s a man of faith too. That means a lot to you and to me. Godspeed for Liberty
Thanks for listening.