Have you taken the Political Conscience Test yet? Retweet
Well, have you?
We launched the PCT (Political Conscience Test) BetaTest Ver. 1 on October 16. As of 2:09 AM, Wednesday, November 8 (today!)…
The PCT has been taken 2,301 times.
78.2% are either libertarians or voluntaryists (we’ll give you a full break-down in the P.S). But why is this number important?
As we explained in our October 23 post, there are more than 60-million libertarians. We break them into three types: voluntaryists, limited-state libertarians, and sector libertarians (all terms are defined in that piece).
Our Zero Aggression Project is about identifying and activating a chunk of them. And the Political Conscience Test is one of the ways we’ll do that.
About a week after launching, we began testing some advertising for it.
We’re doing our advertising on Facebook because of its cost-effectiveness. In fact, in just our second try, we’ve created an ad that’s generating clicks through to the PCT at cost of just 11cents each – so far, more than 561 of them! As a result…
- We recruited 28 new subscribers to this newsletter, in October.
- So far, in this young month, we’ve recruited 9 more.
Each of those subscribers cost us an average of merely $3.66.
And what’s the significance of that number? We’re glad you asked, because…
We have vast, past experience — managing another email list — which indicates each new subscriber should be worth at least $6 to us (if not more), in the twelve months after they join.
We’d gladly change $3.66 today for $6 tomorrow, and more in the years to come — especially since it grows a base of libertarians who will change the country, if not the world.
Now, the ad could “run its course” becoming less effective over time. But Facebook tells us that the audience we’re targeting (at 11c per click-through so far) has 480,000 people. And fewer than 10,000 have seen our ad even once!
Also, there are no guarantees. But it seems we could recruit thousands of new subscribers this way and hundreds of them could join you, on the front lines, helping to spread the Zero Aggression Principle to others.
There’s only way to find out: Expand the advertising.
The first step on our way to a libertarian America is underway. Will you join and help us expand our advertising?
Progress is tied to relentless consistency. And we can be more consistent, even more aggressive, with a pledge base beneath us. Would you consider joining us as a monthly pledger?
And we can even recommend an amount… $3.66 which brings us a new subscriber, or $7.32 which brings us two of them, or simply choose the amount you want for us each month, multiply it times $3.66 and make that your pledge.
And if pledging is not right for you, please consider making a one-time contribution.
Remember, contributions to the Downsize DC Foundation, parent of the Zero Aggression Project, are tax-deductible. And we send a bumper sticker to every new donor. Please help us…
ZAP the State,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Co-creators of the Zero Aggression Project
P.S. Here’s the most recent breakdown of the 2,301 “test-takers”…
0.96% Authoritarian
1.74% Conservative
3.3% Progressive
15.6% Centrist
63.15% Libertarian
15.08% Voluntaryist
Yes, these results are biased toward libertarians. That’s the way we want it because that’s who we’re trying to find and recruit, first. The new libertarians we discover will help us persuade others later. Plus, we’re already seeing the numbers “diversify” with each passing day, as our test reaches more people. And that diversification will continue to happen, naturally, the more the PCT is Shared on people’s timelines.