We didn’t realize we’d broken a record until we wrote this report Retweet
The Zero Aggression Project is an initiative of the Downsize DC Foundation. Both have accomplishments to report in 2017.
The Zero Aggression Mission
Our main objectives…
- Share the Zero Aggression Principle with every person on Earth.
- Find and activate dormant libertarians so we can expand outreach.
- Move everyone in a voluntaryist direction.
Do you want these things? Well, to achieve these unique objectives we…
Launched the PCT
Thanks to our “Conscience Builders,” we launched the PCT (Political Conscience Test). PCT is a new, Nolan Chart survey. It asks fresh questions that…
- Focus on the libertarian USP (unique sales proposition) — “persuasion vs. aggression”
- Deal with 21st Century concerns
- Matter in terms of how people define themselves
- Are “tension-paired” – putting questions together that expose self-contradictions
The PCT also uses a percentage scale to give users more answer alternatives.
We launched with BetaTest Ver. 1 and conducted some “test-level” promotion during the last half of 2017. More than 2,600 people completed the test during this phase.
To kick-off 2018, we’ll launch BetaTest Ver. 2 which will include new social sharing tools. We will also launch an initiative to get 10,000 test-takers. We’ll do that consistent with objective #2 above – find libertarians.
And 2018 will see the release of a new tool, that will work with the PCT and help us advance objective #3 – moving people in a voluntaryist direction.
Tracking Aggression Levels
Envision, for every question on the PCT, having a tool that persuades and moves a person in a voluntaryist direction — towards Zero Aggression. Then…
Imagine that the progress is visible and measurable, every step of the way! Next…
Dream of being able to see how your friends respond to each of the arguments presented! That’s what we intend to deliver in 2018… The Aggression Tracker
We’ll have a whole lot more to say about this interactive tool starting roughly a month from now. Stay tuned.
We’ve also expanded the content on our ZAP website.
Our Mental Levers present libertarian “thinking tools” in bite-size chunks. We added seven more of these mini-articles in 2017, bringing the total number of Levers to 73.
We also began applying libertarian thinking to social issues in fresh ways. We applied a “post statist approach” that yields a unique take, compared to the rest of the libertarian landscape. Here are some of the highlights (there’s even more great stuff at our blog!)…
Six things left-statists get wrong about Walmart
Costco and Walmart perform different social functions. Do you know what they are?
Why criminal law enforcement does not violate the Zero Aggression Principle
The surprising consequence of claiming that it does
Why so-called socialism is anti-social
Fraudulent labels lead to counterfeit opinions
United Airlines and the Zero Aggression Principle
This key libertarian principle is about more than property rights
Are statists the real isolationists?
Are libertarians the real advocates of international engagement?
Do you know how many libertarians there are?
Shocking news. Libertarians are not rare.
How Matt Lauer & Charlie Rose demonstrate the power of libertarian thought
Proof that libertarian regulation works better than statist regulation
Top 6 reasons the law is “perverted” in this sexting case
Six perversions of law in this sexting case. Two Zero Aggression solutions. [This blog post is published in this newsletter for the first time, today.]
No Border Can Keep Out a Desirable Resident
There’s a difference between resident and citizen. Residency is none of your business. [This article got more comments than any two articles combined.]
Amicus briefs
Downsize DC Foundation was also busy, working with DownsizeDC.org, William J. Olson, PC and other organizations publishing amicus curiae briefs. We published a RECORD ten briefs in 2017 (the previous record, twice tied, was eight).
- Independence Institute v Federal Election Commission [requesting the Supreme Court take up the case] – See: The First Amendment is ILLEGAL during these 90 days
- Americans for Prosperity v. Becerra (Harris) [9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeal] – See: Can a state Attorney General unilaterally violate federal tax privacy laws?
- Citizens United v Schneiderman [2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeal] – See: Same link as above
- Ryan Austin Collins v. Virginia [requesting the Supreme Court take up the case] – See: How you can make cops present a warrant to search your vehicle
- United States v. Ackerman [Kansas District U.S. District Court] – See: Can State created and funded organizations open email attachments without warrants?
- United States v. Philip Zodhiates [2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeal] – See: Why Sprint hands over, without a warrant, your cell phone and GPS data
- United States v. Shaquille M Robinson [requesting the Supreme Court take up the case] – See: Must you choose between your 2nd & 4th Amendment rights?
- Carpenter v. United States [Supreme Court on the merits] – See: Judges declare cell phone records aren’t your property
- Ryan Austin Collins v. Virginia [Supreme Court on the merits]- See: Another Supreme Court success!!
- Kevin Brott, et al v. United States [6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeal]- See: How the Government is stealing the property of 23 Michigan landowners
Do you like what we’ve accomplished?
If so, please consider a year-end contribution to support our work. Your donation is tax deductible if you itemize deductions, and you only have a couple days left to make such deductible contributions for the 2017 tax year.
- Our one-time donors give between $5 and $19,000.
- Our largest monthly pledger gives $250, our smallest puts in $2, and the average is about $19.
Thank you for your consideration and support. You can contribute here.
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project,
an initiative of the Downsize DC Foundation