Skeptics and nonbelievers are right to reject the religion and faith believers have presented them.
When the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting hits the headlines each and every June, the media focuses on the culture war and, if anything, amplifies it. The actions of the messengers (the term the SBC uses for its attendees) are always stunning – like, can you believe they just did that?
This year was no different. Rick Warren’s megachurch, Saddleback, was removed from the SBC for making women teaching pastors. The stunning part to observers is that it’s 2023. The culture wars today have moved on to transitioning genders. A woman pastor debate seems so 1980s.
Now, you can read the regime media accounts, and you’ll see this kind of coverage everywhere. But if you tune into Gracearchy, you get an analysis that is distinctly different.
The culture war at the gates of the temple
One of the joys of this podcast, for me, is watching Jim process his thoughts. We plan each show. Some are loose. Some are nearly scripted. Yet…
Jim always goes off-script.
Sometimes, I know where he’s going. Other times, he surprises me – and he’ll surprise you in this episode, as well.
I came to this show curious about the culture war questions. I was wondering, “How can these denominations stop having these civil wars and get to unity?”
I discovered, there was a more root-level question.
And it involves the root word for church and the expectations attached to that concept. That Greek word is ekklesia.
I finished the episode with new insight and feeling very moved. I anticipate the same thing will happen for you.
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Bill Protzmann
Moderator, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
P.S. It wasn’t planned, but this Rick Warren episode comes right after an episode about the danger of religion. If you haven’t listened, then please also check out EP51: Faith Without Love Is Dead.
Gracearchy is hosted by Zero Aggression Project’s co-founder, Jim Babka, but the views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).