Whether you love or hate the song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” you would also have to admit…
It’s a damned shame that this song resonates with so many people.
Who are the Rich Men North of Richmond?
Even more importantly, what do those Rich Men (and women) actually do?
Bill Protzmann joins me to analyze first the music, then the lyrics of Oliver Anthony’s viral hit, “Rich Men North of Richmond.”
The song sounds like an anthem. But an anthem for what?
The regime media immediately made it right-wing partisan. Is that accurate?
Gosh, a good chunk of that song sounds libertarian. Oh wait, it sounds 1980s Democrat Party (you know, back when Joe Biden was Senator).
One part of the song raises an unjust trope about welfare recipients. We mark that error, but then we provide insight you’re unlikely to hear anywhere else because…
We use Grace to see it. In fact…
We’re inviting Oliver Anthony, along with his new, hardcore fans, for “lemonade on the porch” – and that’s a Gracearchy trope our regular listeners know well.
TODAY’S EPISODE, Who Are the Rich Men North of Richmond is also on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Google Podcasts * Spotify
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
P.S. You may have missed our recent three-part series: The Weakness of Orthodoxy with Dave Brisbin – EP 57 (YouTube, iHeart), Reconsidering the Kingdom of God with Dave Brisbin – EP 58 (YouTube, Google Podcasts), and Explaining the Trinity with Dave Brisbin – EP 59 (YouTube, Spotify).