Why is the Zero Aggression Project sponsoring Gracearchy with Jim Babka?
Perry Willis offers one significant reason…
Out of roughly 332 million Americans, a whopping 63% are Christians. That amounts to 210 million people. So please realize this…
If all the Christians really wanted to gang up and impose their will on you, they could!
Fortunately, most of them don’t want to do that, most of the time, and/or they can’t quite agree with each other about what exactly they would force you to do.
This doesn’t mean that some of them aren’t trying – and sometimes succeeding. There are some Christians on the Right who probably provide the backbone of support for drug prohibition, and there are surely some Christians on the Left who are pushing “woke” cancel culture. But please notice something…
We have relative cultural peace in the libertarian movement
Jim Babka, host of Gracearchy, puts it well. He says…
“The libertarian movement is the one place where the pastor and the pornographer can sit down together and have a lively conversation.”
I don’t know about you, but this is something I’ve always loved about the libertarian movement, and I want the whole world to be that way. Plus, I think I know what we must do to bring that about. Please understand…
- We could recruit every single atheist and skeptic in the country and still lose
- But if we can recruit a significant number of believers, then WE WIN! Instantly!
It really is that simple.
So, even though I’ve been non-religious for most of my life, I have always thought that libertarian outreach to Christians should be one of our main priorities. In addition, I think non-believing libertarians should be the biggest cheerleaders for that outreach.
Outreach to everyone
We should try to reach everyone. And that means there should be an outreach program to convince Christians to adopt Zero Aggression.
One of the reasons I think this will work is because the Bible provides a lot of libertarian material to work with. I know this, in large part, because Jim has often shared surprising and frequently unique insights with me. I’ve consistently encouraged him to share these views publicly. Now, you can hear these secrets on Gracearchy with Jim Babka.
But, from my perspective, the Gracearchy podcast wears its religion lightly. It’s an outreach to Christians that also works for non-believers.
Gracearchy’s origin story
Most podcasts don’t last past a dozen episodes. But Jim Babka and Bill Protzmann have now posted twenty of them on YouTube, and their audience is growing! That growth is primarily due to those of you who get these messages and tune in.
You’ve just read my take on why Jim and Bill are broadcasting. Now, you can hear their perspective, because the two men recently sat down to celebrate these accomplishments.
- Hear how Bill and Jim met, along with how the podcast came to be.
- Learn why they call it Gracearchy.
- Discover a socially-healing ethic that goes beyond tolerance.
Please check out this unique and emerging show…
And I encourage you to subscribe by clicking the bell on YouTube.
ZAP The State, and have a nice day,
Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project