The real and complete economic message of Jesus Christ.
Was Jesus a Socialist?
Well, it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter heaven, right?
Not so fast!
But didn’t Jesus tell a rich young man to sell all he had and give the proceeds to the poor?
You’re leaving stuff out!
Yeah, but Jesus only lost his temper one time. In that instance, he knocked over the merchants’ tables and then accused them of making the temple into a den of thieves. That seems obviously anti-capitalist.
Now you’re ignorant of the context.
Jerry Bowyer heard these things too. He had considerable experience in economics, which included time as a CNBC commentator. So he deeply investigated the matter.
Not only did Jerry engage in a careful exegesis of the Biblical text, but he also researched archeology and history. Then, he published his findings in a remarkable book…
The Maker Versus the Takers:
What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics
Now, he joins us on the newest episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka…
It’s dangerous to claim Jesus for your political team.
That hasn’t slowed down the socialists and the Marxists. And their simplistic presentations of the aforementioned passages (and others) have convinced even the likes of Ayn Rand that Jesus preached socialism.
The truth is that Jesus stepped into a time and place with public works programs, funded by debt, where rich leaders lived at the expense of the poor. They enforced their collection schemes with manipulation and coercive force. Their tax collectors would make our IRS agents seem kind, and debtors’ prisons were a real thing.
Jesus had informed, even profound things to say.
Debt & Forgiveness
At that time, a Messiah was expected to emerge. And the Jews had expectations. The Messiah would bring debt forgiveness (amongst other things). Indeed…
Even as Jesus advised “forgive 70 times seven,” he was speaking to the debt concern. And…
Odds are high, you’ve never heard this explained before!
That story traces back nearly 500 years, to a split kingdom — north vs south. The cause of that northern secession was excessive taxation.
We cover all of these things with Jerry and more!
You’ll see, likely for the first time, the “Son of Man” advocating a message YOU will find both virtuous and familiar.
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We’re featuring today’s episode on…
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
Gracearchy is hosted by Zero Aggression Project’s co-founder, Jim Babka. The views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).