Has the New York Times made the word ‘nuance’ a synonym for lie?
Your heart and mind tell you we’re in a recession. The old, standard way of defining a recession agrees. And yet…
The New York Times wants us to pump our brakes. They say…
This may not really be a recession, or it may be a new kind of recession with special features. Maybe we should add some nuance to our definition of recession.
Is the New York Times on to something, or is it just trying to prop up the Establishment Democrat faction it tends to prefer?
Most importantly, what should we say to our friends who parrot the New York Times line, or who simply want to know how we got in this mess, and how we can get out of it?
Jim Babka tackles this subject in a concise and engaging way in Episode 8 of Gracearchy. I just watched it on YouTube, and I think Jim and his host, Bill Protzmann, cover a lot of ground in just 21 minutes.
I was especially struck by what Jim said about how to talk to our friends about this subject, and the role that predictions can play in making us more persuasive. Check it out!
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project