Listen to political discourse. People speak in verbal caricatures. They seem to be saying…
My side is full of angels. Your side is full of demons.
But how likely is that? Have you ever met any real angels or demons?
The new episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka gives you a new way to look at things. The two sides in the political conflict aren’t angels and demons, but they may be…
Bootleggers and Baptists
They say politics makes strange bedfellows. Well, the concept of Bootleggers and Baptists is essentially a Mental Lever. It explains how people with opposite values can end up favoring the same policies, often without even realizing it.
How can that be? Jim Babka and Bill Protzmann explain in the latest episode of Gracearchy. Even better, Jim will show you to put this powerful idea to work.
Jim will show you the hidden Bootleggers and Baptists inside BOTH cronyism and conspiracy theories.
Plus, in “you heard it here first” fashion, Jim will show you the surprising ratio that always exists when Baptists and Bootleggers support the same policy. He will give you examples.
Of course, he will show you how to apply Grace. Plus, you’ll get a strategy to employ by asking a powerful question…
What if the Baptists suddenly realized they were in league with Bootleggers?!
All this and more can be yours if you watch/listen to Episode 70 of Gracearchy, Bootleggers and Baptists.
You can also listen while you work or drive on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Google Podcasts * Spotify
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
Gracearchy is hosted by Zero Aggression Project’s co-founder, Jim Babka, but the views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).