The sexual harassment scandals demonstrate libertarian superiority in a surprising way Retweet
Left-statists believe that only they advocate regulation. They claim libertarians and right-statists want to live in an unregulated society. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, almost no one understands this, including many libertarians. In reality…
Only libertarians advocate regulation that actually works! And statists, especially left-statists, tend to advocate regulation that makes things worse. We demonstrate this in our popular article, How to think about regulation.
We also make a related argument in our Mental Lever mini-article, Are there non-state forms of regulation? Regulation in the voluntary (private) sector is much more responsive to you than the political sector is.
Now, with sexual harassment headlines swirling around us, we have a perfect example in real time and on the largest stage possible, of how libertarian regulation works better than political regulatory schemes.
Sex scandals are toppling men in Hollywood and the media. Just nine days apart the male hosts of the CBS and NBC morning shows have both lost their jobs because of sexual harassment.
Meanwhile, in the political sector, potential Senator Roy Moore and current Senator Al Franken live on — as does Rep. John Conyers. The lesson should be clear…
The free market punishes mistakes, while the political sector defends and preserves them.
Said differently, the Voluntary Sector is highly regulated by consumers and other forces, while The State, and its associated political parties, are immune from any meaningful control.
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Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Co-creators, Zero Aggression Project
Nov 30, 2017 by Attorney Lalit K Jain:
Hon Sir, only the rich and the famous journalists, politicians, jurists and all other law people, even stars as lay people, are all held to the same predatory highest legal standard as all lay people are. They have no choice but be happy to criticize their predatory behaviors under rule of law misapplied as Injustice still sold as rule of law correctly applied as Justice.
This is the face of all our icons, not chagrin, since before Biblical times.
A prey’s beauty is in the eyes of the predator but Justice by laws correctly applied has to be the same in the mind of every Judge no matter who the Judge is.
“…if two policemen see a rape and just watch it for their own amusement, [such predatory violation of women by predators is] no violation of the Constitution [rooted in addiction to illicit sex] …(laughter)” is the foolproof forensic evidence of so very popular Sexual Government Entrapment. It is the winning argument that was made by the 1989 Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) Chief Justice in the case of DeShaney v Winnebago County. It is the brainchild of men as predators to protect men as predators. It is not the brainchild of women as the prey to unprotect women as the prey.
Yes. Illicit Politics is the creator of the predatory system of Justice in every nation without distinction whether it is a democracy with votes making voters conspirators or an autocracy without votes and without conspirators, no matter what each voter’s sex, even color, is.
The so very popular Sexual Government Entrapment is every predator’s and every prey’s legally valid and enforceable legal defense, always. It is the face of predatory freedom in every nation without distinction: same in democracy with your consent and autocracy without your consent.
Every victim of this popular Sexual Government Entrapment who shall dare to claim this legal defense will help every Court kill two birds with one stone to meet the ends of Justice for all four sides of every case: [1] Accept the legal defense as legally valid and enforceable; and [2] Outlaw the Sexual Government Entrapment as still unconstitutional.
It’s a no brainer, isn’t it?