How sharing the Zero Aggression Principle with everyone on Earth is like “flipping a switch” Retweet
A personal message from Perry Willis…
Jim Babka and I set a small, achievable goal for the Political Conscience Test when we re-launched on July 11 — merely 10,000 Test-taking events in 2018. That was just 15 days ago. As we reported last week…
We smashed that goal in just five days.
Jim and I have worked together for most of the past 19 years. I’m going to let you in on a secret about him…
Jim is earnest. He prefers to underpromise and overdeliver. He doesn’t want to raise hyped-expectations that cannot be satisfied. He’d make a terrible carnival barker or infomercial host!
So when Jim created our report (last week) on the “smashing success” of the Political Conscience Test, he was holding back a little. The numbers he submitted (and we reported) — 12,046 Test-takers and 375 new subscribers — were already more than two days old!
Jim didn’t want to hype our progress. “What if the recruitment slowed and advertising costs climbed?” he asked.
Well, Jim’s concern was valid. Both things happened. But the news is still fantastic!
I’m going to risk raising your expectations by giving you numbers so up-to-date, so enhanced, that they’ll become projections. I want you to see the possibilities!
This morning’s report tells us that, since July 11…
- 17,768 test-taking events have occurred.
- 717 people have subscribed to this newsletter. Welcome, to all of you!
We re-launched the Political Conscience Test by broadcasting it to libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, and voluntaryist opinion leaders and Facebook pages. That gave us an initial surge! Well, that’s over.
We’ve kept it going with advertising. Facebook has worked wonders for us. We’re now on our SECOND ad there. And based on the present rate of return we’re getting, TODAY we expect…
- 533 more test-takers
- 29 additional subscribers
Those are projections. And we’ll spend close to $29 to get that result. But I prefer to see the optimistic possibilities…
We’re only $87,905 away from 100,000 subscribers.
It’s like flipping a switch. If we had $87,905 to invest, the current list of 7,344 subscribers to this newsletter could grow by 92,656 more!
You could count on Jim to shepherd those funds for maximum results.
And what would 100,000 subscribers to this newsletter mean to you? It would mean a perpetually growing program, with a constantly expanding set of tools you’ll love, that would…
- Share the Zero Aggression Principle with every person on Earth.
- Find and activate dormant libertarians — because there are tens of millions of them.
- Move everyone in a voluntaryist direction.
It’s so simple, it’s like flipping a switch. Give and watch us get those results.
Better still, contributions to Downsize DC Foundation (the parent organization of the Zero Aggression Project) are tax-deductible if you itemize. That makes us the perfect recipient for donations coming from…
- A private foundation
- Other grant-making institutions
- Securities fund (skip the capital gains)
Chances are, someone reading this could contribute $10,000 to help us enroll 10,638 new subscribers, if not the entire $87,905 so that we could recruit all 92,656 of them.
However, it’s more likely that we’ll succeed with lots of…
- One-time contributions of $25 or $250 or some other amount.
- Monthly pledges. Our average monthly pledge is $17.76 (yes, you read that right).
I’m inviting you to the possibilities. Throw caution to the wind: Let Jim worry whether the money is efficiently invested. The more you give, the faster this exciting vision happens.
ZAP The State and Have a Nice Day,
Perry Willis
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
An Initiative of the Downsize DC Foundation
& Home to the Political Conscience Test
P.S. If you’re making a donation of appreciated securities or have a question about a grant, please press Reply to this message and send us an email. We’ll get back in touch with you.