October 29, 2019

Clear language is the foundation of clear thinking. Do you dare to be clear? Retweet
We want to re-furnish the American mind. Most kinds of furniture have a name. Ours is Voluntaryist Clarity. Would you furnish your mind with these items?
- Nearly everyone is confused about what government is. Change that, and you can change a lot of things.
- Can anything possibly make government legitimate?
- Do we need both terms – government and The State – to fully make sense of the world?
- You can use this Lever to twist brains – maybe even your own. This “brain-twisting” may be the first step on a path to enlightenment.
- Clear labels are necessary for clear thinking.
- Why there are no liberals, conservatives, socialists, or progressives.
Which one of these Levers was the freshest or most useful to you? Leave a comment below. We’ve numbered the items above for your commenting convenience.
Then, share your favorite Lever with others.
Remember: We do this work and provide this service thanks to your TAX-DEDUCTIBLE support.
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Zero Aggression Project
I was most “affirmative” with No.6 because I have long believed in clear, distinctive labels and the unifying noun “statist” captures what is anti-libertarian/voluntary about those “left” and “right” political “feelings” (never clearly defined anyway).
At best one could use “conservative” as an adjective for “Socialist” or for “Libertarian” to identify non-radicals in each group. “Liberal” is a label only to be applied to 19th century British politicians, and a few intellectuals around the world who agreed with them. Few Americans since Grover Cleveland have qualified.
The distinction between [legitimate] government and Statism is very important, since it clears away the “noise” surrounding “anarchism” and other utopian ideals of a society without authoritarians.