NEW: The Political Conscience Test, Beta Version 1

October 16, 2017
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Conscience Builders want the Political Conscience Test Retweet

We’ve improved the PCT (Political Conscience Test). Here is…

BetaTest Version 1

Here are some of the improvements we’ve made:

  1. The site is “tighter.” Fewer words of intro text. Less scrolling required.
  2. The sectors on the chart are “relabeled.” Yes, we know a left or right-statist when we see one. But we want to use friendlier labels so people will share the test more.
  3. We “cleaned-up” the function of the finalizing button.
  4. We “enhanced clarity” on the slider. Now, it’s more obvious that there are eleven, percentage-based options.
  5. And we made some technical fixes. This Beta version should work better than the prototype.

But our favorite improvement is… We’re delivering a report to new subscribers: How are others answering the questions? We think more people will subscribe in order to get this report.

We’ve also added an About Us page. This page will…

  • Include yet another recruitment component
  • Feature the Conscience Builders roster

The Conscience Builders are the people who funded the PCT. They will be permanently remembered on the About Us page (and they’re also listed in the P.S. section of this message).

After millions have taken this Test, they will be able to prove their “ground floor” involvement. Will you be one of them?

There WILL be a Beta Test Version 2!

  • We have a good product, but we can make it awesome.
  • We have excellent feedback, from many of you, that we want to implement.
  • We have NOT raised the necessary funding we need to finalize this project. So we’re EXTENDING the time needed to join the Conscience Builders.

Our plans for the PCT

We aim to find and recruit as many libertarians as possible. We’ll use their support to reach, find, and recruit even more people. We have plans to…

  • Radically modify the results display method so that more people “sign-up.”
  • Add-in a powerful Facebook sharing application

We won’t stop there. Imagine tens of thousands of libertarian discussions covering every issue on the PCT. Therefore…

Later this year, we’ll show you how the PCT will serve as the front end of an interactive, persuasion-oriented discussion, using an innovative “best foot forward” algorithm.

And our long-term agenda includes improvements that will make the test more useful for your personal and local outreach efforts.

We need more support to add these enhancements. That’s why we’re leaving open the Conscience Builders roster for a bit longer. Contribute to get your name on the roster.

We need merely $4,943 to finish funding this stage of the PCT project!

For the month of October — or less, if we achieve our goal faster — every contributor or pledger will be…

  • Recognized in these Zero Aggression newsletter messages. See the P.S.
  • Remembered, on the About Us page of the PCT site as a “Conscience Builder.”

Conscience Builders are listed in rank order, based on the size of their contribution.

Current pledgers are included automatically. New monthly pledges are multiplied by 10 for ranking purposes, (e.g., a $15/month pledge ranks equal to a $150 donor). Pledge increases are handled the same way.

Contributions to the Downsize DC Foundation [the parent organization of the Zero Aggression Project] are tax-deductible. But…

When we reach our modest goal, we’re done — even if there are weeks or days to go in October. One person can respond with the full amount today, and we hope they do! So you don’t want to wait!

Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project

P.S. Here are the Conscience Builders, in ranked order, who’ve made it possible to build the PCT… Dougin Walker, Bill G Staton MBA/CFA, John McAlister, Robert Stern, Christopher Stover, Martin Johnson, Allan Higgins, Bryne Parker, Joe Cobb, Luke Elms, Brian Pitlik, Corky Sinclair, Kathleen Arnheim, Stephen Dutkiewicz, Wilma Sinclair, Leslie Bates, Melanie Marshall, Robert Davis, Anne Marshall, Barbara Haskins, Ben Bachrach, David Brown, David Yett, Franklin Davis, James Kemp, John DiLiberto, Kerry Daniel, Len Hofferber, Michael Gibbs, Nancy Watson, Randall Enterline, Robert Lidral, Roger Garcia, Roger Leahy, Shawn M. Murray J.D., Steven Castrechino, Andy Walling, Bruce Sawicki, Jack Bruns, Brian Mason, Dan Litwin, Daniel Muhe, Gary Cavener, John Davis, John Klosterman, Marshall Sutherland, Odetta Pierce, Philip Souza, Richard W Loomis, Robin Kloos, Stacy Button, Tom Serkowski, Mike Spalding, Dennis Stalter, James McCabe, Lance Cheney, Robert Herzfeld, Robert Neal Patterson, Trent Larson, Carrie Eiler, Wayne Zachery, Ronald Pond


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