We have three primary goals here at the Zero Aggression Project. The first one is to help everyone on planet Earth understand what libertarianism is. Towards that end…
Last year, we published A new worldview in ten questions and answers. We got some fantastic feedback about it. Obviously, we know that not everyone on our list has seen it.
Now’s your chance!
Here’s what people are saying…
- It’s brilliant, concise, and on target
- Great stuff! About as succinct as can be, too
- Thinking about sending this to politicians
In my personal opinion, this piece by Perry Willis is one of the best, short explanations of libertarian thought ever written. I also think it presents these ideas in a way that many libertarians will find startling.
Yes, you might even astonish your libertarian friends with it!
So, if you didn’t read it, we’d like to urge you to do so now. Or, if you did read it before, you might benefit from doing so again.
We hope you’ll agree: This article deserves a wider audience.
If you do agree, would you please…
- Share it on Facebook?
- Share it on other social media sites?
- Email it to friends?
- Utilize other mediums and different platforms to spread it everywhere?
Please Reply to this email, and please tell us what you did to spread it.
For your convenience…
- Here’s the article on Twitter
- Here’s the article on Google+
- Here’s the article on Facebook
In fact, we’re going the “extra mile” on Facebook. If you use Facebook, please do everything you can there: – Like the post. – Like The ZAP Page (and set it to See First in your newsfeed, otherwise we have to pay to reach you again)! – Leave a comment. But most importantly…
Share it!
Let’s ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Zero Aggression Project
P.S. We’re pleased to welcome the three new people who’ve subscribed to the ZAP Newsletter. Welcome!