We proposed the PCT (Political Conscience Test). Some of you helped fund it, and we’re getting it done. Today you can look at a prototype.
We’re still working on it. But we wanted you to see where we’re going with this project. We already have a long list of improvements we want to make before we move from this prototype to a beta test version, and you can help us add to our list. We’ll give you the link in a moment.
Remember our goals for the PCT…
We wanted a new tool that would…
- Discover and recruit new libertarians
- Feature the unique libertarian selling proposition — persuasion instead of aggression
- Use more questions to gather more data and better analytics.
- Address current events in the national debate, including the environment and war
- Create tension between pairs of questions (as explained in this blog post)
The Political Conscience Test will also mesh perfectly with the Zero Aggression Project’s three-part mission to…
- Share the Zero Aggression Principle with every person on Earth.
- Find and activate dormant libertarians so we can expand outreach.
- Move everyone in a voluntaryist direction.
Here are the last things to know before you interact with the prototype…
- Don’t share this on the Internet. The time for that will come when we get to the Beta Test stage. We wanted you to see our progress and include your feedback in our plans. For the meantime, let’s keep this to ourselves.
- It will cost additional money to improve this tool beyond where the prototype is. Thank you to everyone who contributed, bringing us this far. But more is needed and there’s still time for you to get your name on the Conscience Builders’ roster that will be a permanent part of the PCT website.
For the month of August — or less, if we achieve our goal faster — every contributor or pledger will be…
- Recognized in these Zero Aggression newsletter messages. See the P.S. for the ranked list, as of now.
- Remembered on the About Us page of the PCT site as a “Conscience Builder.”
Conscience Builders are listed in rank order, based on the size of their contribution. Please get your name on this historic list.
New monthly pledges are multiplied by 10 for ranking purposes. So a $15/month pledge ranks equal to a $150 donor! Pledge increases will be handled in the same way. [Current pledgers are included automatically, thank you]
Contributions to the Downsize DC Foundation, the parent organization of the Zero Aggression Project, are tax-deductible. But…
When the month ends or we reach our modest goal of $6,500, we’re done — whichever comes first. So you don’t want to wait!
Now here’s the link to view the prototype.
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
P.S. Here is the current roster of Conscience Builders, as of Wednesday… John McAlister, Robert Stern, Martin Johnson, Joe Cobb, Bryne Parker, Stephen Dutkiewicz, Wilma Sinclair, Leslie Bates, Robert Davis, Ben Bachrach, David Brown, Steven Castrechino, Kerry Daniel, Franklin Davis, John DiLiberto, Randall Enterline, Roger Garcia, Michael Gibbs, Barbara Haskins, Len Hofferber, Robert Lidral, Anne Marshall, Shawn M. Murray J.D., Nancy Watson, David Yett, Andy Walling, Jack Bruns, Gary Cavener, Dan Litwin, Brian Mason, Odetta Pierce, Tom Serkowski, Philip Souza, Mike Spalding, Lance Cheney, Robert Herzfeld, Trent Larson, Carrie Eiler, Wayne Zachery, Ronald Pond
Hey, I like the quiz as an update to the traditional Nolan chart/World’s Smallest Political Quiz. Main improvement I would suggest is keeping the results hidden until the answers are submitted. I also think that randomizing the order in which the questions are delivered breaks some monotony. I think question clusters condition the brain to respond in a way that can produce more biased/less honest results.
These are good suggestions, and iterations of our approach will be tested. We’ve already heavily discussed one of these ideas. Thank you!