May 5, 2016

Is Statism scientific? Retweet
Can statists justify initiated force? So far we’ve ruled out the following excuses…
- The concept that “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
- The idea that voters and politicians know best how others should live
- The notion that a cost-benefit analysis can excuse aggressive violence
Previous Mental Levers also tackled other potential excuses, such as…
- The so-called “free rider” problem
- Externalities
It seems like the statists are running out of potential reasons to justify initiated force. So what’s left? This…
“Social Science”
Can statists use statistical analysis to justify their coercive schemes? Our newest Mental Lever describes two huge reasons why they cannot. It’s just 265 words long. Check it out…
Can “social science” justify initiated force? Part 1
By Perry Willis & Jim Babka
Our engagement number is down. Please help boost it by…