Did Mark Zuckerberg make Facebook free of censorship?
Mark Zuckerberg announced new content moderation policies. If you hop on YouTube, you’ll find that every one of the “takes” falls into these three categories…
1. Zuck pandered
2. He’s scared of Trump
3. He’s a “Tech Bro” billionaire who was MAGA all along
Even if these statements are true, another perspective is often overlooked in this debate. To my knowledge, that “take” is only covered here.
And this event permits us to have a more timeless conversation about why…
Censorship doesn’t work.
So, should Zuckerberg make Facebook free again?
Many people think that social media must be suppressed because they believe it poses a threat to society.
One of their questions is, “Can we really tolerate intolerance?”
It’s a strange question. But it’s the subject of Popper’s Paradox. Karl Popper was largely pro-tolerance; he called his philosophy “the open society.” But in 1945, he argued that tolerating the intolerant would cost society its ability to be tolerant.
If they’re tolerated, the intolerants will take over and destroy all tolerance.
A Parable Analyzed
In recent years, a parable has emerged to vividly illustrate the Popper Paradox — it’s called “The Nazi Bar Problem.” In this story, the bartender kicks out a biker before he can be served. Many people cite this piece of folk wisdom as a cultural lesson. But does it apply to an entire society?
We not only cover that, but we also go through all six of Meta’s new policies on content moderation.
We also explore the effectiveness of shaming and the problems with misinformation and malinformation. Plus, I cover my “three reasons to debate” in this 117th episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka, titled, “Has Meta Gone MAGA?”
You can listen while you work or drive on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Spotify, and several other platforms.
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
P.S. BONUS: At the end of Episode 117, moderator Bill Protzmann had one more question. If you’re subscribed to the platform where you tune in to this show, then you already know that we also do Instant Grace. So, we turned the recorder back on and recorded another one of these brief mini-episodes titled “A Nazi Walks Into A Bar.” It will be available TOMORROW (Tuesday, 1/14).
Jim Babka is the co-creator of the Zero Aggression Project. However, the views expressed in the show do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).