Wait! Ten “conservative” arguments? Why should libertarians care about what conservatives think?
Well, because the War on Drugs is primarily a socially conservative position.
I maintain that if social conservatives had a clear understanding of…
- What addiction is
- How treatment works
- How ineffective prohibition is
…then they’d see what you and I see.
You and I recognize that drug prohibition is an inhumane policy that does more harm than good.
I further believe that you and I would be well-served if a social conservative delivers that message to other social conservatives – someone who comes from their subculture, speaks their language, and still sees herself as one of them.
That’s Christina Dent!
Christina’s an awesome spokesperson and the founder of End It For Good.
This episode is an amazing collection of well-presented reasoning and persuasive statements.
You’ll want these arguments in your memory…
This is Part 3 of a series. In the first installment, Christina established her conservative Christian bona fides (listening details here).
Then, Christina explained how an unexpected relationship with an addict drove her to do some research. She learned about a powerful experiment called “Rat Park.” This helped her better understand addiction. The second episode is useful for anyone who wants to understand how persuasion works (listening details here).
But this third episode packs a wallop!
It’s very efficient to get ten high-impact arguments in an hour.
This episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka is a resource. You’ll want to come back to listen to it again and again for reference.
One more thing will jump out at you…
The Human Longing for Beauty
The beginning of this episode is moving. It’s not merely an argument; it’s grace.
You might not consider it often, but your urge to move things out of the hands of politicians and bureaucrats stems from a longing for beauty. This longing for beauty is inside each of us. Beauty includes things like human flourishing and justice.
Check out this third interview of Christina Dent, “Ten Conservative Arguments To End Prohibition,” on Gracearchy with Jim Babka.
You can listen while you work or drive on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Spotify, and several other platforms.
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Jo Jorgensen
2020 Libertarian nominee for President
P.S. This series is sponsored by The Foundation for Harmony and Prosperity, which promotes the Philosophy of Human Respect.
Jim Babka is the Zero Aggression Project co-creator. Yet the views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).