Exposing the politics of envy; state socialism is a sin.
Recently, professor and writer Scott Galloway appeared on MSNBC. There, he suggested that higher marginal tax rates for the rich could solve the blame for nearly all of our nation’s problems.
Ho hum. You’ve heard it before. But prominent podcasters and influencers got excited and sent this clip viral.
Moreover, Galloway had a new and more sophisticated justification for the theft – the reduction in their happiness is so small that they’re unlikely to notice.
In response, we deploy the Broken Window Fallacy in an innovative way. We show how the state socialist view has no actual calculation whereby taxing the rich increases happiness and prosperity.
On the other hand, Galloway and his podcasting fans all help demonstrate that…
Socialism is a theory of blame that excuses envy.
Envy is not a virtue. Socialism is a sin.
A good friend reminds me that when I use the word “sin,” secular people are put off. I understand why. This word has been cavalierly used by this or that sect to describe the values and vices of outsiders.
But this word should instead be understood as a division between persons. That separation can take the form of pride, as in, “I’m better than they are.” It even more commonly looks like blame or covetous rivalry.
We can love the sinner, but we should hate the sin because state socialism does all of those things.
On top of that, the socialist position is inherently superstitious. In this episode, I draw on a 1960s German theorist to colorfully illustrate just how dangerous the irrationality of socialism can be.
But if that kind of talk just isn’t for you, don’t worry, because we do the normal libertarian analysis and explain why…
Socialism doesn’t work
During this 118th episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka we also…
1. Show how Galloway and his fans purposely overlook historical and economic realities.
2. Explain three ways Americans are already getting hurt while the Galloway crowd argues for even more theft.
Every episode is also on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Spotify, and several other platforms.
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
Jim Babka is the co-creator of the Zero Aggression Project. However, the views expressed in the show do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).