We started June 7, 2022 — since then, 50 Episodes of Gracearchy with Jim Babka.
That’s a wrap on Season One.
What Did You Miss?
-What was your favorite episode?
-Which one taught you the most?
-Which episode was the most fun?
Bill and I also get into…
-Who this show is really for.
-What are the key plans for Season Two?
Lasting Value
People tell me all the time, “I haven’t kept up with all of the episodes.” And I always reply, “It’s not a serial. You can pick the episode that interests you most, and jump in there.”
If you’re looking for suggestions that have lasting value…
Bill and I share our picks both in the program and in the show notes.
But please, don’t hesitate to listen or watch because you missed a couple of episodes. This is NOT homework. You’re not “behind.”
Every episode is also on these five podcasting platforms: Pandora * Stitcher * iHeart * Google Podcasts * Spotify
We’re featuring today’s just 23-minute episode on…
Please also subscribe to the service on which you listen, so that you’ll be conveniently notified of all upcoming episodes.
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
P.S. Funny item. Bill and I live three time zones and 2,400 miles apart. We met in person for this episode. And the background effect does something weird to Bill’s hair and my face. So you might prefer the YouTube version for this episode!
Gracearchy is hosted by Zero Aggression Project’s co-founder, Jim Babka, but the views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).