Is there a better alternative to psychedelic legalization?
…Know why voluntaryism would provide better regulation than the State does?
…Comprehend why there’d be more regulation and greater accountability in a post-statist society than we have at present?
…Understand why so few libertarians can explain these things?
In this episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka, I lay out a full-throated defense of a pure voluntaryist society, wherein not just growing, but also manufacturing and sharing mind-bending substances would be completely free.
Matthew Perry overdoses on Ketamine. A prosecutor grandstands with a prosecution. But, do employees of the State make us safer? Is a prosecution even the right thing to do?
The FDA refuses to legalize MDMA. My instant reaction was exasperation. What about all of the people, especially veterans, with PTSD?
But then, I heard two different commentators raise variations of this question…
Are psychedelics more spiritual tools with scientific ramifications, or are they more scientific tools with spiritual implications?
Keep in mind: I have a full-time career, now nearly 25 years long, of advancing libertarian ideas; yet that question rocked me. It created a new question for me…
What if the drug legalization path would be bad in this case?
I turned to Bill Protzmann because he has a high level of interest and some involvement in both the veteran and psychedelic communities. Instead of an educational show, like I normally do, I requested…
A Conversation
I had no agenda in hand. I just wanted to learn. I believe you will learn something too.
Along the way, we both end up sharing personal secrets.
You can listen while you work or drive on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Spotify
We’re featuring today’s episode on…
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
P.S. There’s been a big gap since our last episode. I explain why in a four-minute “Instant Grace” installment titled “A Tale of Two Floods,” available on the aforementioned platforms.
Jim Babka is the Zero Aggression Project co-creator. Yet the views expressed in the show are not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).