What Skeptics Teach vs Michael Shermer’s JFK Analysis

February 5, 2025
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Michael Shermer joined The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie.

It was a great interview hosted by one of my favorite interviewers. The content was solid. I highly recommend that episode. I agreed with most of the things the guest said until…

Shermer Strawmanned JFK Conspiracy Theorists

And I’m concerned because…

I suspect that lots of people might believe that the founder of Skeptic Magazine was practicing informed and sound skepticism.

But that’s not true – not on this subject.

We used this latest episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka to respond to six clips/arguments from that interview.

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Who Cares What Shermer Thinks About This Assassination?

Skepticism is a secular materialist school of thought grounded in science and reason. The Skeptics aim to create critical thinkers. Shermer’s books are aimed to give people tools to analyze claims.

These tools are powerful.

But we demonstrate, in this podcast, that when it comes to the JFK assassination, he instead…

  • Psychologizes in place of Facts
  • Uses Guilt by Association & False Equivalence
  • Strawmans researchers instead of steelmanning them
  • Accuses those who doubt the establishment report of Proportionality Bias, yet provides no evidence for this claim (more psychologizing)
  • Shows a steadfast refusal to address real evidence in the case
  • Resorts to the fallacy of Appeal to Accomplishment

All of this is done with a lilt of mockery.

The Incompetent Detective

Most astonishing of all, Shermer makes an argument against asking questions. You may think we’re exaggerating, but he literally advises you to ignore most anomalies, even if they’re on video at the scene of a crime.

People did talk!

Shermer has one real argument that deals with evidence – just one. But I demonstrate that he’s really far behind the curve on both history and evidence.

Every episode is also on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Spotify, and several other platforms.

You can listen while you work or drive on these podcasting platforms: Pandora * iHeart * Spotify, and several other platforms.

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ZAP The State and have a nice day,

Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project

Jim Babka is the co-creator of the Zero Aggression Project. However, the views expressed in the show do not necessarily reflect those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project (Downsize DC Foundation).


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