Did Jim go too far, or is he trying to prevent others from going too far?
In the latest episode of Gracearchy with Jim Babka. Jim makes an outrageous claim that…
Policies are not laws.
There are well-meaning people, trying to do the right thing, who nevertheless are willing to impose their preferred policies on those who disagree with them. They insist that the best social solutions cannot work unless everyone complies.
Jim Babka says it’s just the opposite – these policies cannot be laws.
Even worse, he claims that a certain, high number of people must agree before something can be considered a law. And the number he chooses is not a simple majority. Together, with Bill Protzmann, Jim covers specific cases and examples.
Who is being the extremist here? Is it Jim, or is it the people who say everyone must be made to participate in their programs?
Check it out and see if Jim manages to get anything right.
This new show is now in its 12th episode, and the next one has already been recorded – an interview that you’ll find quite practical and useful.
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project