It’s right there in the title!
Hooray! Congress finally passed a bill with only one subject, and they didn’t even need the One Subject at a Time Act to make it happen.
What am I talking about? Well, it’s been all over the news, and it’s right there in the title congress chose for their latest piece of legislation. They call it…
The Inflation Reduction Act
What could be more clear? It’s about reducing inflation, and nothing more, right?
That probably means it’s a short bill too, since it’s only one subject. It should be no problem to read it and understand it. So let’s see if Jim Babka and Bill Protzmann can manage that in episode 11 of Gracearchy.
Hopefully, by now, you’ve detected the sarcasm. Even though the Inflation Reduction Act sounds as if it’s just about that one subject, the bill provokes Jim to explain the following topics…
- Does the bill obey or violate the one-subject principle?
- Does it actually reduce inflation?
- Is the bill secretly the largest healthcare package since Obamacare?
- What tends to happen when politicians try to make something, like healthcare, less expensive?
- Will the bill reduce spending and debt?
- If the bill will reduce spending then why does the IRS need 87,000 new “gun-toting” agents?
- What on earth does Jim mean by a “thousand points of default?”
You’ll learn all this and much more in less than thirty minutes.
ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project