Do you know the ground rules of Constitutional interpretation?
So, a friend walks into his podcast…
[That line should be read in the same tone as a joke that begins, “A man walks into a bar.”]A friend walks into his podcast and says, “We need to get back to the Constitution.” He bemoans how many political folks are ignoring some elements of this document.
So what’s the punchline?
Well, he’s got exceptions too!
The Constitution doesn’t just protect the people you like – doesn’t merely serve your political allies or the people who look like you. The Constitution is, in the truest, most sincere sense…
A Multicultural Document
This is the Grace view – Everyone matters. All rights are pre-Constitutional.
Yet so many Constitutional violations start with depersonalizing others who are different than us: “Principles be damned! We must stop these bad guys!”
The drive to make the Constitution the document for our team has led to campaign finance laws, gun control laws, immigration restrictions, and many more evils.
That’s why, at the outset of this episode, I established two “ground rules” for analyzing the Constitution. One of them is, quite literally, the interpretive key.
Do you know these rules?
WARNING: I had internet difficulties during the broadcast. But that’s really only an issue in the YouTube version. Every episode is also on these podcasting five platforms: Pandora * Stitcher * iHeart * Google Podcasts * Spotify
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ZAP The State and have a nice day,
Jim Babka
Host, Gracearchy with Jim Babka
Co-creator, Zero Aggression Project
P.S. Previous episode, in case you missed it: Three Laws to Get Congress Under Control