Christian jihad v. Zero Aggression

August 10, 2022
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What must we do to make our message heard, and who most needs to hear it?

The Zero Aggression Project has a big goal. We want every person on Planet Earth to know the Zero Aggression Principle…

Don’t aggress against others, personally or politically.

CNN, Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC aren’t going to do this job for us.

We must do it ourselves. This will take a ton of paid advertising. And that will take more funding than we have now. But there are two powerful things we can do in the meantime…

  1. Internet sharing – this happens when people like you share our content with friends, family, or social contacts.
  2. Content platforms – this includes not only social networks like Facebook, but also independent content platforms like Medium, Substack, and YouTube.

We could execute the second approach by having Zero Aggression channels on all those platforms, and we may yet do that. But what about people who aren’t attracted by those specific words – Zero Aggression?

What if we instead had content channels that are broader, but that also aim at big, important market segments (like Christians for instance), while still promoting the Zero Aggression Principle as part of their message?

Jim Babka’s new Gracearchy podcast is our first experiment in that direction. Others will follow. We expect to learn and improve as we gain more experience with this approach. Here’s the latest installment…

In this episode, Jim and Bill Protzmann take on a CNN story about the rise of white Christian nationalism. To explore how the CNN story is right, and how it is wrong, Jim and Bill explore the following topics…

  • Do Christian nationalists correctly understand the arc of the Biblical story?
  • Was the United States founded as a Christian nation?
  • Are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in conflict with each other?
  • Can nations be Christian (or Muslim or Buddhist)?
  • Did Christian cultural influence contribute to the current fashion for being a victim?
  • Is Christian Jihad a real danger and can the Zero Aggression Principle defend against it?
  • What techniques can we deploy to have productive conversations with our Christian nationalist friends and family members?

I am not a Christian, but I am a fan of Jim’s show, and I want it to reach a large audience. I hope you do too. Check it out…

Christian jihad

ZAP The State and have a nice day,

Perry Willis
Zero Aggression Project


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