June 12, 2015

Today we give you a NEW Zero Aggression tool on a new issue — Social Security! But first…
We want to share the latest progress on our first issue — Drug Prohibition.
The results are great! Our plan is working! People are moving in our direction!
- 1,053 people have answered questions on our drug prohibition campaign. Of that number…
- 52 have moved an average of 3.03 points toward opposing drug prohibition.
- 27 have moved an average of 3.59 points toward favoring drug prohibition.
- 313 people have signed the petition agreeing with the Zero Aggression Principle, and opposing drug prohibition because of it.
- 6 more just oppose drug prohibition.
- 7 have signed the petition supporting drug prohibition.
We still need to attract more people who disagree with us.
And we’ll get there. We already have modest success to report on this front…
- Our Facebook share campaign reached 3,866 people — that’s a reach greater than our present Likes on Zero Aggression Project
- We’ve recruited 111 new supporters!
Now it’s time to use a new tool! Please click on the following link to answer this question…
Do you think participation in Social Security should be mandatory?
And don’t forget to sign the petition for this new campaign.
With best wishes,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Co-creators, the Zero Aggression Project
if you don`t want to participate in SS, then don`t beg for it as age hits. tea party people are first in line at 65!
I have seen first hand.
Amen Kevin.