Bitcoin is an experimental new digital money that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Think of it as the currency of the Internet. Learn more by watching this excellent introduction video.
Donations for The Zero Aggression Project should be directed to 123YMLV4sBDZJxMdiNhSFPxSaPwxPKuEy1. If you’d like to be recognized for your contribution, please let us know you’re sending some bitcoins our way.
Comments 3
I just donated a little for the amicus briefs, by Bitcoin. FYI, it’ll help people to put a QR code on your site, eg:
Go to:
… and paste in the following: bitcoin:123YMLV4sBDZJxMdiNhSFPxSaPwxPKuEy1?label=DownsizeDC
That helped me pay by phone, which is typical for users nowadays.
Good luck!
Thank you Trent.
Thanks for taking Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency. I just donated another few hundred!